You may not need a fully-customized OEM approach

Applikon Biotechnology miniBio Bioreactor with Masterflex Miniflex pump head.
Applikon Biotechnology miniBio Bioreactor with Masterflex Miniflex pump head.

You might be able to use an off-the-shelf product for your project

One often overlooked obstacle to OEM product development is the availability of component hardware for immediate use. Many suppliers have adopted a fully-custom approach to their business model, meaning they only produce to customer demand. While this may seem attractive at first, this approach lacks flexibility. Why pay for a complete customized approach if you can use something that is already in stock and ready to use? We can help determine if this is possible for your project.

A wide-range of off-the-shelf products

While we can and do provide entirely customized solutions, we also have the ability to take an off-the-shelf product that might fit your needs. We can also change it to meet your needs with our product modification service. From cord lengths and plug assemblies to custom pressure and flow instruments we can handle any product modification that you may need. Between our Masterflex® and Ismatec® brands, we have over 100 different pump-head configurations that are standard and frequently in stock. From single- and multi-channel options to liter and microliter dispensing volumes and flow rates, there is a strong chance we have something immediately available to meet OEM design constraints. Coupled with this is our large selection of standard tubing, fittings, and flow meters, as well as our ability to customize accessories to meet specific OEM requirements. Because of this, we can help OEMs reduce development time and the overall time-to-market, and help them realize real revenue generation sooner.

Customer testimonial

One satisfied customer is Applikon Technologies. They approached the Masterflex team because they were familiar with the reliability of Masterflex pump systems. They were also aware of the Masterflex Microflex® pump head and thought it might be the ideal solution for this project because customers find it easy to use and reliable. Since the Masterflex Microflex pump head is very small, is user-friendly, delivers accurate low flow over a very large range, and is virtually maintenance-free, the OEM team confirmed it was ideal for this project. They then took the standard Masterflex Microflex pump head and created a custom solution that could be even more reproducible.

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