Are you re-opening with temperature checks in place?
As many of us re-open and go back to work, we need to add temperature checks as an extra safety measures to mitigate the risk of spreading COVID-19. You may have already tasked a team to perform daily temperature checks and purchased your thermometers. Have you given your employees proper instruction on how to use the IR thermometer? Before you hand over the device, make sure each person who will be using the thermometer is educated on how to properly use it so you are getting optimal use and achieving accurate data. The last thing you want to do is let someone into your building who has an elevated temperature.
Using a noncontact infrared thermometer (NCIT)
Read the manual. That seems like such a small recommendation. But, have you ever opened up a new product box and ignored the instruction manual, and then only pulled it out to look at it when you had an issue? Many of us are guilty of this especially when it’s a easy-to-use instrument like an IR thermometer. How hard could it be? Just push the button, right? That might be true for your mini coffee grinder, but not for your NCIT.
According to The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the person using the device should strictly follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and instructions for use for the specific NCIT being used. The FDA also mentions some of the typical information below that can be found in an instruction manual:
Prepare the environment for your NCIT
The environment where your employees perform check temperatures may impact the performance of the NCIT.
- Use in a draft-free space and out of direct sun or near radiant heat sources.
- Determine if conditions are optimal for use. Typically, the environmental temperature should be between 60.8-104 ºF (16-40 ºC) and relative humidity below 85 percent. (Your manual will provide you with your ideal temperatures for your specific thermometer).
- Place the NCIT in the testing environment or room for 10 to 30 minutes prior to use to allow the NCIT to adjust to the environment.
Clean between uses
For cleaning NCITs between uses, follow the instructions in the Cleaning and Disinfecting section of the product instructions. Most NCITs should never be immersed in water or other liquids.
An IR thermometer you can trust
Get precise and quick forehead temperature measurements without contact when using the new FDA-cleared noncontact infrared (IR) thermometer from Cole-Parmer. It is designed to take the body temperature of a person regardless of room temperature and is easy to use. This versatile thermometer can also be used to take surface temperatures of an area or object such as food and can log 32 internal readings. This FDA-cleared IR thermometer is intended for industrial and office health screenings and monitoring.
When the thermometer is set to body mode, it can take the body temperature of a human being with a range from 89.6 to 108.5°F (32.0 to 42.5°C). Simply hold it 2” to 5.9″ (5 to 15 cm) away from the person to measure temperature on the forehead or behind the earlobe and then press the trigger to activate instrument. To take the temperature of a surface or object such as food, fluid or room temperature, switch the thermometer to surface mode. It features a wider temperature range from 32 to 140°F (0 to 60°C).
When this product is used for human body temperature measurement, it is only used as a reference for fever screening and cannot be used for medical identification. Use of this thermometer is not intended as a substitute for consultation with a healthcare professional.
This device is FDA cleared and within accordance of ASTM E1965-1998; EN 980: graphical symbols for use in the labeling of medical devices; EN 1041: information supplied by the manufacturer with medical devices; EN 60601-1: medical electrical equipment part 1: general requirements for safety (IEC:60601-1:1998); and EN 60601-1-2: medical electrical equipment part 1-2: general requirements for safety collateral standard electromagnetic compatibility requirements and test (IEC 60601-1-2:2001).
That’s great technology step forward.
It’s gonna be time saving and contact free to avoid passing infections from people to people.
Even though the technology has been around and in use in various different industries, it’s only just become mainstream through the pandemic. Infrared temperature readers are very handy tools to have and this is a great guide.
Yes, this will next step of Technology. Great info you have shared here.