A top loading balance is used for weighing solid material when an accuracy of 0.1 g is satisfactory.
The toploading balance is in the precision class of balances with a readability of 1 mg or less. These handy instruments are much more than a “balance without a draft shield”—as they have been called. Today, some models not only come with a draft shield but also have stability filters to compensate for vibrations, drafts, or temperature changes. Many other features are also available on top loading balances. You can find these balances with minimal features or complete with all the bells and whistles.
Top loading balance features available
- Color capacitive touch-screen display so you can easily see the weights
- IR proximity sensors for touch-free balance control to help mitigate cross-contamination
- Internal or external calibration
- Weighing platform in a variety of sizes
- Auto test GLP function to quickly diagnose weighing error
- Filter settings that can be easily adjusted depending on the working environment
- Sealed keypad, splash-proof design, and removable stainless steel weighing pan
- Customized menu screen to meet your everyday needs
- Statistics working mode to quickly analyzes data from a series of measurements
- Multiple working modes to handle a variety of weighing functions
Types of top loading balances
In addition to the many useful features, top loading balances models are available in compact, high-capacity for heavy weighing or for moving samples such as live animals, computer compatible for USB, RS-232, Ethernet, or Wi-Fi interfaces with secure data connections or precision. You can select from a wide range to get the balance for your needs. Where can you get a wide variety of top loading balances with these features? Cole-Parmer® Essentials has a wide range of Cole-Parmer® toploading balances with the features you need at a price you can afford.
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