Forms a leak-free luer connection with a quick simple turn
PVC-free—ideal for use in bioprocess, life science, and pharmaceutical industries
Ideal for general-purpose, laboratory, and single-use applications to connect tubing with the rest of your system
Free technical application support available to determine which connector type is needed for your application
Animal-derivative-free polypropylene
Meets FDA requirements 21 CFR 177.1520(a)(3)(i) and (c)3.1a and RoHS compliant
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These Cole-Parmer® cleanroom fittings are high-quality PVC-free fittings, ideal in biomedical research, pharmaceutical, electronic, and other critical-use applications. Fittings are manufactured, double bagged, and sealed in an ISO Class 7 cleanroom to ensure that the integrity is not compromised. An ISO Class 7 cleanroom utilizes HEPA filtration systems to maintain air cleanliness levels of less than 10,000 particles of 0.5 µm or larger per cubic foot.
Luer fitting is a standardized system comprised of a male taper and a female mating part that provides a leak-free connection. This straight union features a female luer coupler on each end to connect two male luer fittings together. Unions are available in five different formulations—select one that best suits your application.
Animal-derivative-free polypropylene fittings are radiation stable and resistant to solvents, chemicals, water, strong mineral acids, bases, and other inorganic environments. Not recommended for use with oxidizing agents.
Warning: This product is not approved or intended for, and should not be used for, medical, clinical, surgical or other patient-oriented applications.
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