InnoCal A2LA ISO17025 Accredited Calibration; Hot Plate Only

Representative image only.
InnoCal Item # EW-17500-14
Quick and accurate mixer and stirrer calibrations accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 standards
  • NIST-traceable calibration allows you to confirm that your equipment meets the manufacturer’s published specification EPA, USDA, ISO and GLP/GMPs standards
  • Receive your product calibrated and ready to use rather than sending it to a third-party or internal calibration lab and incurring additional delays


$293.00USD / Each


Specifications & Description

  • Calibration TypeA2LA ISO17025 Accredited Temperature
  • System Calibration (Instrument and Probe)Yes
  • Calibration Test PointsAcross the Range of the Instrument
  • DescriptionA2LA ISO17025 Accredited Calibration; Hot Plate Only

Key Features

  • NIST-traceable calibration allows you to confirm that your equipment meets the manufacturer’s published specification EPA, USDA, ISO and GLP/GMPs standards
  • Receive your product calibrated and ready to use rather than sending it to a third-party or internal calibration lab and incurring additional delays

More About this Item

InnoCal provides calibration services for a wide variety of laboratory and industrial mixing and stirring equipment.
Stirrers and stirring hotplates can also be calibrated for rotational accuracy (rpm). All rotational motion (rpm) measurements are traceable to NIST and include data. Equipment is tested at 10 rpm values throughout the range. Accuracy is confirmed using NIST-traceable optical devices.

Service for stirring hotplates and hotplates adds NIST-traceable, temperature control system calibration.

Major brands of stirrers and stirring hotplates that InnoCal can service are Cole-Parmer, Corning, EchoTherm, Fisher Scientific Isotemp, IKA, Thermo Scientific (Cimarec, Super Nuova), Troemner.




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