20-Watt Bench Lamps

Reliable sterilization and inspection for applications in laboratories and pharma companies
  • 254 nm models provide effective tool for sterilization and sanitation control.
  • 365-nm models are ideal for fluorescence and inspection applications
$762.50 - $818.50USD / Each

4 variations of this product are available.

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Compareitem specifications
Power (Hz) Power (VAC)
Availability Pricing
Analytik Jena 20-Watt UV bench lamp; 254 nm, 115 VAC/60 Hz EW-97615-00 Mfr # 95-0045-07
60 115
$762.50USD / Each
Analytik Jena 20-Watt UV bench lamp; 254 nm, 230 VAC/50 Hz EW-97615-05 Mfr # 95-0045-08
50 230
$818.50USD / Each
Analytik Jena 20-Watt UV bench lamp; 365 nm, 115 VAC/60 Hz EW-97615-10 Mfr # 95-0045-04
60 115
$773.00USD / Each
Analytik Jena 20-Watt UV bench lamp; 365 nm, 230 VAC/50 Hz EW-97615-15 Mfr # 95-0045-05
50 230
$804.00USD / Each
Showing 1- 4 of 4

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