Binder FED Series Mechanical Convection Ovens with Enhanced Timer Functions

Designed for the requirements in volved in dryng or heating samples
  • Controller with LCD display and enhanced time functions
  • Electromechanical control of the exhaust air flap
  • Class 2 integrated independent adjustable temperature safety device (DIN 12880) with visual alarm
The FED series of ovens provide multiple capacities and are very adaptable to a variety of applications. LCD contoller makes it simple to adjust the fan speed, control the exhaust flap and adjust the enhanced timer functions.
With a temperature range up to 300°C these ovens maintain a high temperature accuracy thanks to APT.line™ technology. Other features include crome plated shelves, ethernet interface, USB port for data recording and an ergonomic handle design.
$3,272.00 - $6,358.00USD / Each

4 variations of this product are available.

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Capacity (cu ft) Power (VAC) Rise Time
Availability Pricing
Binder FED 115 Avantgarde Mechanical Convection Oven with Enhanced Timer Functions, 4.1 cu ft, 230 VAC EW-05012-41 Mfr # 9010-0293
4.1 230 18 min to 150°C
$4,358.00USD / Each
Binder FED 115 Avantgarde Mechanical Convection Oven with Enhanced Timer Functions, 4.1 cu ft, 120 VAC EW-05012-42 Mfr # 9010-0294
4.1 120 18 min to 150°C
$4,358.00USD / Each
Binder FED 56 Avantgarde Mechanical Convection Oven with Enhanced Timer Functions, 2.1 cu ft, 120 VAC EW-05012-44 Mfr # 9010-0296
2.1 120 15 min to 150°C
$3,272.00USD / Each
Binder FED 260 Avantgarde Mechanical Convection Oven with Enhanced Timer Functions, 9.1 cu ft, 240 VAC EW-05012-67 Mfr # 9010-0300
9.1 240 19 min to 150°C
$6,358.00USD / Each
Showing 1- 4 of 4

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