Cole-Parmer® EPA Glass Vials

Meets EPA requirements for testing environmental contaminants
  • Made of Type I borosilicate glass for testing of potentially harmful environmental contaminants in water or soil samples
  • Vials meet the requirements of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for contamination-free containers
  • Choose from 20-, 40-, or 60-mL vials or vial kits for your specific application
These flat bottom EPA vials are free of substances that might influence sample analysis. Chemically inert type I borosilicate glass is ideal for soil and water samples. Vials are available in clear glass or amber glass for light sensitive samples. Select from standard EPA vials, vials with a certificate of cleanliness, preassembled vials with caps, or precleaned and preassembled vials with caps.
$433.00 - $1,540.00USD / Pkg of 1000

7 variations of this product are available.

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Compareitem specifications
Description Tube Color Volume (mL)
Availability Pricing
EPA Screw Neck Vial, 20 mL, 24mm, Glass; 1000/pk Glass 20
$477.60USD / Pkg of 1000
EPA Screw Neck Vial, 30 mL, 24mm, Amber Glass; 1000/pk Amber 30
$1,195.00USD / Pkg of 1000
EPA Screw Neck Vial, 30 mL, 24mm, Glass; 1000/pk Glass 30
$433.00USD / Pkg of 1000
EPA Screw Neck Vial, 40 mL, 24mm, Glass; 1000/pk Glass 40
$505.00USD / Pkg of 1000
EPA Screw Neck Vial, 40 mL, 24mm, Glass, Certified; 1000/pk Glass 40
$613.00USD / Pkg of 1000
EPA Screw Neck Vial, 60 mL, 24mm, Amber Glass; 1000/pk Amber 60
$1,391.00USD / Pkg of 1000
EPA Screw Neck Vial, 60 mL, 24mm, Glass; 1000/pk Glass 60
$1,540.00USD / Pkg of 1000
Showing 1- 7 of 7

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