Cole-Parmer® HBC-200 Series Dry Block Temperature Calibrators

Fast heat up and cool down
  • Safe and convenient calibration of wide range of thermal sensors
  • Temperature range from 45°C below ambient up to 650°C
  • Digital control provides temperature uniformity and stability
  • Easily manage all calibration functions with RS-232 interface
These lightweight, portable dry block temperature calibrators are ideal for use in the field. They can be used with a wide range of inserts (not included) with different dimension wells to match numerous probe sizes. Safety features include an automatic cooling fan and overtemperature cutout which turns power off to the heaters if a fault develops or the unit exceeds maximum operating temperature. Temperature can be displayed in Celsius or Fahrenheit.
$4,047.00 - $5,561.00USD / Each

3 variations of this product are available.

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Compareitem specifications
Max Temperature (° F) Power (VAC) Temperature Accuracy
Availability Pricing
797 120 ±0.54°F (±0.3°C)
$4,047.00USD / Each
1202 230 0.4°C
$4,983.00USD / Each
1202 120 0.4°C
$5,561.00USD / Each
Showing 1- 3 of 3

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