FLIR® One® Pro Thermal Imaging Camera Attachment for Smartphones and Tablets

Capture vivid thermal images instantly on your smartphone or tablet
  • Expanded temperature range allows you to measure up to 752ºF (400ºC)
  • Detects temperature differences down to 70 mK
  • Features 12 µm thermal pixel size
  • MSX® imagery enhancement provides sharper, easier to analyze images
  • Adjustable-height connector attaches securely to mobile device—no need to remove protective case
  • FLIR ONE app makes sharing images on social media a snap
The FLIR ONE Pro thermal imaging camera attachment for your smartphone or tablet, lets you to see in the dark, observe invisible heat sources, and compare relative temperatures. Ideal for inspecting electrical panels, discovering HVAC problems, finding water damage, or observing wildlife.
The advanced 160 x 120 thermal resolution micro camera and a revolutionary VividIR™ thermal image processor allows you to see more details, measure smaller components from far away, and safely work near energized equipment. You can measure temperatures between –4 to 752°F (–20 to 400°C) with three on-screen spot thermometers and six temperature regions. The Flir MSX® blended imaging feature embosses visible edges from the 1440 x 1080 HD camera on top of the thermal image to create a sharper, more enhanced image. The cameras offer nine dynamic color palettes, automatic and manual shutter, and a fixed 15 cm to infinity focus.
Enhance your experience with the upgraded FLIR ONE app, available for free online. The app provides a simple and intuitive user interface allowing you to measure multiple temperatures or regions of interest at once, collect and share thermal images on social media, and stream to your smartwatch for remote viewing.
$399.99USD / Each

2 variations of this product are available.

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Max Temperature (° F) Pixels / Thermal Resolution Description
Availability Pricing
Flir One Pro Thermal Imaging Phone Accessory for iOS with Lightning Connector; 160 x 120 resolution EW-39756-77 Mfr # FLIR One Pro for iOS
752 160 x 120 For iOS 160 x 120 with Lightning Connector
$399.99USD / Each
Flir One Pro Thermal Imaging Phone Accessory for Android with USB-C Connector; 160 x 120 resolution EW-39756-78 Mfr # FLIR One Pro USB-C
752 160 x 120 For Android 160 x 120 with USB-C Connector
$399.99USD / Each
Showing 1- 2 of 2

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