Fluke TiS+ Thermal Imagers

Be proactive instead of reactive with asset tagging functionality
  • Touchscreen IR Fusion™
  • Asset tagging allows you to easily compare asset images over time
  • Scanning the QR code on each asset creates a timeline of your inspections
The Fluke TiS55+/TiS75+/TiS20+ MAX thermal imagers are handheld, infrared imaging cameras for use in many applications. These applications include equipment troubleshooting, preventive and predictive maintenance, building diagnostics, and research and development. The imagers dislay thermal images on a high-visibility, industrial-quality LCD touch screen. They can save images to internal memory or to a removable memory card. Saved images and data stored in internal memory or on the memory card can be transferred to a PC through a direct USB connection or by wireless transfer. The imagers work with the Fluke Connect™ app available on mobile devices and with the Fluke Connect™ software available for PCs.
$2,188.99 - $6,769.99USD / Each

3 variations of this product are available.

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Compareitem specifications
Field Of View (FOV) Max Temperature (° C) Pixels / Thermal Resolution
Availability Pricing
Fluke TiS20+ MAX Thermal Imager EW-20037-58 Mfr # FLK-TIS20+ MAX 9HZ
50° x 38° 400 120 x 90 (10,800 pixels)
$2,188.99USD / Each
Fluke TiS55+ Thermal Imager EW-20037-59 Mfr # FLK-TIS55+ 27HZ
28° x 20° 550 256 x 192 (49,152 pixels)
$4,214.99USD / Each
Fluke TiS75+ Thermal Imager EW-20037-60 Mfr # FLK-TIS75+ 27HZ
42° x 30° 550 384 x 288 (110,592 pixels)
$6,769.99USD / Each
Showing 1- 3 of 3

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