General Tools UV-A/B and UV-C Light Meters

Measure damaging UV (ultraviolet) light
Conduct UV degradation studies for pharmaceutical, cosmetic, semiconductor, printing, forensic applications and more. The UV light intensity appears on the large backlit display in either ìW or mW/cm² while the small lower display simultaneously shows minimum, maximum, average, and recorded data. Up to 20 data points can be recorded automatically at a variety of intervals.
The UV-A/B model measures long and medium wave UV-A/B for forensics, chromatography, electrophoresis, and dermatology applications. Use the UV-C model for UV light fume hoods, industrial glass, and nondestructive testing.
$300.00 - $919.50USD / Each

2 variations of this product are available.

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Compareitem specifications
Intensity (mW/cm2) Description
Availability Pricing
General Tools UV513A/B Ultraviolet UVA/B Light Meter EW-50513-00 Mfr # UV513AB
40 Ultraviolet UVA/B Light Meter
$300.00USD / Each
General Tools UV512C Ultraviolet UVC Light Meter EW-50513-02 Mfr # UV512C
40 Ultraviolet UVC Light Meter
$919.50USD / Each
Showing 1- 2 of 2

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