Spex CertiPrep® Claritas PPT® Grade Matrix Blanks for ICP-MS

Analytical quality matrix blanks ensure highly reliable results
  • Run a blank to establish your base line
  • May be used to dilute multi-element standards
Do not use any acid or water as a diluent if you are not certain of its purity.

Can’t find the standards you are looking for? Spex CertiPrep®can make custom standards to meet your exact needs. Contact us for more information at [email protected] or call us at 732-549-7144.

Chemicals sold by Cole-Parmer are not intended for and should not be (i) used for medical, surgical or other patient oriented applications, or (ii) combined with any food product or ingested in any form.
$45.00 - $99.00USD / Each

4 variations of this product are available.

See All Product Options Below
Compareitem specifications
Element/Ion Matrix Volume (mL)
Availability Pricing
Hydrodchloric Acid Blank 2% HCl 125
$99.00USD / Each
Nitric Acid Blank 2% HNO3 30
$45.00USD / Each
Nitric Acid Blank 2% HNO3 125
$96.00USD / Each
DI Water Blank H2O 125
$96.00USD / Each
Showing 1- 4 of 4

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