Thermo Scientific Nalgene Storm Water Sampler System

Ideal for economical quarterly first-flush, EPA-compliant storm water grab samples
  • Collects a full one-liter grab sample within the first 30 minutes of a qualifying rain event
  • Mount in a variety of outfall types—storm grates, ditches, and streams
  • Disposable sampler requires no decontamination
The NALGENE Storm Water Sampler combines convenience and affordability to easily meet EPA requirements for storm water grab samples.

To collect the one-liter grab sample of first flush, simply position the sample in its protective mounting tube prior to the rain event, and leave it in place until after the storm. The sampler automatically collects the sample into the bottle and shuts off after the bottle is full, preventing dilution with later runoff. After the storm, the sampler can be retrieved at your convenience.

Complete instructions included and also available for download below. Brochure available for download to the left.
$98.00 - $116.00USD / Each

2 variations of this product are available.

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Compareitem specifications
Description Material
Availability Pricing
Thermo Scientific 1120-1000 Storm Water Sample Bottle, Amber Glass; 1/Pk EW-99159-02 Mfr # 1120-1000
Storm Water Sample Bottle, Amber Glass; 1/Pk Amber Glass
$98.00USD / Each
Thermo Scientific 1160-1000 Storm Water Sampler Mounting Kit, Reusable EW-99159-12 Mfr # 1160-1000
Storm Water Sampler Mounting Kit, Reusable HDPE, stainless steel, nylon, polyester
$116.00USD / Each
Showing 1- 2 of 2

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