TraceAir Personal Organic Vapor Monitor Badges

Analysis performed in an AIHA-accredited lab
  • Save money and time with prepaid analysis
  • Lightweight and easy to use
Trace Air® Personal OV Monitor Badge has covers on each side of the monitor that can be removed to double the sampling rate. With one cover removed the monitor samples at approximately 30 mL/min, depending on the chemical. Also utilizes a new flexible, inert charcoal. Use this monitor when sampling for chemicals with a low PEL (10ppm or less), STEL monitoring or for 24 hour indoor air quality situations.

Personal monitoring badges are the most cost effective and efficient ways to monitor chemicals in your environment. Badges are easy to use and require minimal training and experience. They are small and light weight and have minimal effect on worker productivity. Badges are diffusive devices that require no additional equipment such as sampling pumps, calibration materials, or c
$390.00 - $619.00USD / Pkg of 5

2 variations of this product are available.

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Compareitem specifications
Gases Measured Description
Availability Pricing
Chem Express X521-1 OV Badge with PrePaid Analysis for 1 Organic Vapor Pkg/5 EW-86378-11 Mfr # X525-1
Organic vapors OV Badge with PrePaid Analysis for 1 Organic Vapor Pkg/5
$390.00USD / Pkg of 5
Chem Express X521-4 OV Badge with PrePaid Analysis for 4 Organic Vapors Pkg/5 EW-86378-12 Mfr # X525-4
Organic vapors OV Badge with PrePaid Analysis for 4 Organic Vapors Pkg/5
$619.00USD / Pkg of 4
Showing 1- 2 of 2

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