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About the webinar
Standards are a key component in accurate chemical quantitative analysis; without accurate and precise standards the data that is produced can be suspect. Reference materials and standards are necessary to the analytical process giving the analyst the ‘known’ to compare against their ‘unknown’.
Despite being a critical part of the laboratory workflow, the scope of standards, certified reference materials and uncertified reference materials is not always clearly delineated. There are many challenges in the creation, analysis, and maintenance of reference materials. The modern analyst and reference material supplier face more challenges and regulations to incorporate into their analysis than ever before.
This presentation will examine the definitions, function and roles of standards and CRMs as well as the current accreditations, regulations, and challenges. We will look at the proper uses, dilutions, and analysis of standards to reduce error and their role in method validation and verification.
What you will learn
- The role, use and purpose of standards and certified reference materials
- Correct preparation and dilution of standards and CRM for accurate analysis
- Distinguish between the effects of error and uncertainty on data
- Recognize the processes to validate or verify analytical methods for quality data analysis
The presenter
Patricia Atkins, Senior Applications Scientist, Spex®, an Antylia Scientific company
Patricia Atkins is a graduate of Rutgers University in NJ and was laboratory supervisor for Ciba Specialty Chemicals in the Water Treatment Division. Patricia later accepted a position conducting research and managing an air pollution research group within Rutgers University’s Civil & Environmental Engineering Department. In 2008, Patricia joined Spex as a senior application scientist in our certified reference material’s division and spends her time researching industry trends and developing new reference materials. Patricia has been involved with many industry-focused advisory and regulatory groups including AOAC, ASTM, ACIL, NACRW and the Emerald Conference. She is a frequent presenter and speaker at numerous conferences including NACRW, NEMC, Pittcon and AOAC and is a published author with her work appearing in various journals and trade publications including Spectroscopy, LCGC, and Cannabis Science and Technology where she is a columnist for analytical issues in cannabis testing.
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