DNA and Forensics: Look How Far We’ve Come

This week is the anniversary of the first fingerprint being taken and we’re reminded how far forensic science has evolved. Forensics, the study of evidence that identifies a subject, usually refers to identifying a victim or subject of interest at a crime scene.

Forensic scientists use a variety of techniques for identification, however one that is particularly helpful is DNA profiling. This involves utilizing bodily fluids, hair, or skin particles to identify an individual. In addition to DNA profiling, forensics looks at the other evidence to make certain that the identity of a subject is accurate.


Gel XL Ultra V-2 Electrophoresis System

Electrophoresis techniques allow the identification of DNA sequences. Cole-Parmer offers a complete line of products for electrophoresis including horizontal and vertical gel electrophoresis systems, reagents, imaging systems, and power supplies.

Another forensic method is polymerase chain reaction (or PCR). In PCR, a strand of DNA is amplified and replicated through a series of temperature cycles. PCR requires the use of a temperature stable DNA polymerase that replicates the DNA through an enzymatic process that also requires DNA primers, deoxynucleoside triphosphates, and a suitable buffer solution. Cole-Parmer also offers products for polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Products include thermal cyclers; chilling, heating and mixing blocks; PCR tubes and strips; PCR plates; hybridization incubators; and sample counters.

Pict: Gel XL Ultra V-2 Electrophoresis System

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