Cole-Parmer® PTFE Dipper

PTFE material offers almost total chemical resistance
  • Nonstick surface leads to easy recovery of contents
  • Stable over a wide temperature range
  • Material is FDA Compliant and USP Class VI approved
Cole-Parmer PTFE dippers feature almost total chemical resistance to most chemical compounds. Additionally, PTFE material is stable from -328 to 572°F (-200°C to 300°C), making it suitable for a wide range of applications. Material is high purity and totally inert preventing contamination. Shaft is PTFE-encapsulated steel; extra shaft can extend length. Dipper can be sterilized via autoclave or gamma irradiation.
$230.00 - $366.00USD / Each

4 variations of this product are available.

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Compareitem specifications
Capacity (mL) Overall Length (in)
Availability Pricing
100 24
$230.00USD / Each
250 24
$280.00USD / Each
500 24
$322.00USD / Each
1 24
$366.00USD / Each
Showing 1- 4 of 4

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